Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.
This site is dedicated to the fight I'm winning over breast cancer. I'll be sharing my thoughts, feelings, and insights as I go through this journey. Please check back regularly for updates on my progress.
I also hope to help raise breast cancer awareness. After all, I'm not alone-1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Together, we can ensure better odds for future generations of women.
I'm accepting donations to help fight breast cancer. Thanks for your generosity!
Guest Book
I love knowing who's dropped by. Please say 'hi' and tell me you were here.
My Journal
NOTE: Drag and drop a Content Block from the toolbar to the top of this section, and then enter your content.
September 24, 2012: [Enter your most recent headline]
[Enter your content...]
September 15, 2012: Feeling Strong
Today was a great day, and not just because my doctor visit went well...